The quality they say…

How many times have you heard the phrase, quality over quantity?

I have heard it plenty.

It’s not necessarily with goods though. Some guys refer to the girls they are dating also as “quality over quantity”.

Today is the second day of Ramadan, and well, that means fasting. Usually, people gather around, host, get invited and spend time together. This is part of the Holy month’s charm.

Yesterday, I was invited on the first day of Ramadan, and of course like my mom taught me when someone invites you, you have to bring them something.

I went for dessert. Not original. I know.

I went for the Kunafa with Mango. It’s a very popular Egyptian dessert that has become popular in recent years. One of my favorite places that make it is called Sale Sucre, and it seems like it is also the favorite for so many other people from what I have seen yesterday.

Ok. So, what have I seen yesterday? Right?

Google Maps told me it’s 5 minutes from my workplace to reach there. Nice. Then, it told I need 8 minutes. Then, it told me well, you know that exit I thought you would take? It’s closed, so you have to drive some more, and oh, I didn’t tell you, there would be incredible traffic now. Ops.

Sure, no problem. I tell myself. It’s worth it. They make the best Kunafa with Mango. What I thought will take me 5 minutes took about 30 minutes. It gets even better. There was no parking. I had to park a bit far. Again, no worries, it’s worth it.

I made it to the pastry or should I call it pâtisserie? Pardon me. I don’t speak French.

I enter, and there is a huge queue. I am surprised. People see the surprise and tell me, “join the queue”. That same surprised look consumed every customer entering the pastry.

Time is passing. It’s getting now close to iftar time. People are standing, waiting to order. It’s worth it, they think, or at least that’s what I was thinking.

Long story short, what I thought will take me 10 minutes maximum, took me a little over an hour. Hmm…

It seems like people will come all the way, overlook inconveniences such as getting lost, traffic, no parking, and a huge queue line, just to get that specific product. In my case Kunfa with Mango, which by the way is available in other places, but I wanted to get one that I am certain tastes yummy.

Did I say? One guy mentioned he left his daughter in the car. Hmm… pretty special Kunfa, ha?

This wasn’t quality over quantity. This was quality over inconvenience.

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