I recently read in a blog post, The Minimalist Approach to Clothes, that women only wear only 20% of the clothes they own on a regular basis. I do not know to what extent this statistic is accurate, however, from my own experience, that’s pretty much the case.

On that note, I have one black top that I love. I wear it at work, at the beach, casual outing or even when going to dinner. It goes with everything and it can be as fancy or as low key based on how I accessorize it. I know that this top will always be worn as long as it’s clean.

Today, I was at the mall, and as I was trying clothes, I forgot the denim jacket that I was wearing in one of the stores. When I realized I forgot it, I panicked. This is my very favorite jacket at all times! I have had it for over 10 years since university even. I wear it all the time.

Here is an interesting observation though, like many girls, I care if I have taken a picture with the same cloth over and over again, but with this jacket, I just don’t care. I love it. It’s great quality, lasted all these years, looks new and fits me perfectly. It’s also very stylish.

I have been reading a lot about minimalism, and although I don’t think I will get there anytime soon, I believe in one thing— only buy a clothing item if you absolutely fell in with love it, not when you like it, not because it’s the “fashion” now and definitely not because it’s a good deal.

I look at my closet and I have so many clothes. Not all of them are my favorite, and guess what? I only wear my favorite. I wear my favorite cloth that makes me look great!

Just like everyone else, my body is perfect. Just because it’s stylish on other people, it means it will be on me. Just because it’s a little tight now, it means I will lose weight soon and it will fit perfectly on me. I have clothes with tags still attached to them because I just hope one day I will lose those extra few kilos and I will look so hot in them. But that’s just a hopeless case, I have been trying different diets and I came to accept the imperfections in my body. The solution is not to buy clothes that don’t fit my body type or of my size in hopes of losing weight in the future. The solution IS buying cloth that makes me look great as I am now, because I know I look good.

But then why do I have to buy clothes that show my imperfections? Why do I buy clothes that will look great on me in the future? I have no clue why the hell I do that?

My wardrobe is full of clothes that I am not in love with because I bought them on sale. They were such a good deal! 70% off, even 90% off on some of them. I didn’t end up wearing them as much because:

  1. Some of them don’t look that great on me, they look ok, and
  2. Some of them don’t fit my body type or my current size.

I need to get rid of those clothes that I don’t wear or don’t make me look great. That’s just so hard. I don’t have the heart to do it.

However, from now on, the rule is simple:

I only buy cloth that I fell in love with. Period.

Today, I bought a clothing item. Guess what? I am absolutely in love with it and suspect I will be wearing it many, many times.

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