You want to buy a specific clothing item, that will complement so many of the clothes you currently own, never wear and want to wear.

So, what would you think of?

Go to the mall. Simple, right?

I did the same. I went to the mall, I couldn’t find it.

I let it go.

One day, this week, I was working close to the outlet mall, and that’s quite a drive if I plan to go just to check the outlet mall. So, I thought to myself, why not pass by and look for that thing I wanted to buy?

I went, I couldn’t find what I was looking for.

But… I found an incredible dress that I fell in love with, a dress that was soooo cheap, it costs even less than a lunch meal I would usually have, so I got it.

Well, the purchase decision was pretty much aligned with my new rule. I only buy things that I fall in love with, but the other question is: Did I really need it?

Probably no, not probably, actually, no.

Whoever saw me wearing this dress loved it, which to be honest, feels great.

I still wonder… Why do we keep buying stuff we don’t need? Sure, I looked good when wearing it, and it was cheap, but… I didn’t need it.

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