While I intend to do the “spring cleaning” and do the occasional cleanup, I don’t get rid of as much stuff as I should. 

Any messy person like me, who made the attempt to try to be more “organized”, and did a little Googling, will find Marie Kondo’s book, The Life-Changing Magic Of Tidying. Although I had a pretty failed attempt on following her footsteps, as I mentioned in I couldn’t be a minimalist and here is why, I did come up with the conclusion of having, keeping and buying only the stuff that I fall in love with. Stuff that makes me feel beautiful. Stuff that makes me happy.

I can’t help but notice though that I do have many many things that I keep for a special occasion. That dress that was on a special sale I bought 4 years ago and never “had” the chance to wear it. The silver heels that I bought for that special occasion and only have worn it once at that special occasion. The candle lights that I will light up when I want to pamper myself at home. The jewelry that will only be suitable for that special occasion… that by the way, doesn’t happen that often. 

It reminds me of the popular Egyptian tradition that newlyweds do when they are preparing for their big day. They need to buy China plates for that special occasion in case someone special came and visited — that as far as I know doesn’t really happen. 

To be frank, I won’t tell myself or anyone to get rid of the special occasion “stuff” because special occasions don’t happen that often. Instead, I started applying a different approach. Every day is a freaking special day. That special candle that I kept for the future pampering day, I will light it up every day until it finishes. That special dress for that special occasion, I will wear it anyway when I go out. 

The more I start using my “special” occasion stuff, that more I feel loved. I am not keeping anything for later… and that makes me realize which of the things I have, I love, which I don’t love and can happily get rid of. 

It also makes me realize, I don’t really need to catch that special offer while it lasts because I will need it for that special occasion. Every day is. 

But again, easier said than done — some might think. Let’s wait until I do have an actual special occasion and I am pretty sure you will hear about it. Maybe I will wear one of my dresses? Maybe I will rent that dress? Maybe I will find a special deal? Maybe I will get to know the hidden gems and get a real special deal? Who knows? I don’t know.

Use that special occasion stuff right now. I don’t know about men, but us women, that kind of stuff boost not only our ego but our self-esteem… in incredible ways. We suddenly start feeling goooood. 

A friend of mine once told me she was depressed because she can’t get to wear all her nice cloth at work. Her work has extreme attire restrictions. She thought “I would judge her.” On the contrary, I understand it. I live it. Every day… and I do feel good when I am using special occasion stuff, even when I am home alone, and no one could see. 

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